Proven Learning Solutions

Everything DiSC:

  • Provides a common language to help teams understand one another and work better together
  • Acts as a springboard for conversation and team building
  • Improves employee and workplace communication
  • Reduces conflict and avoids misunderstandings


Partnerships In Change is an authorized distributor of Everything DiSC by Wiley. Everything DiSC offers the most current and intuitive DiSC tools available. Get custom reports for leadership, sales, teamwork, and professionals at all levels. Everything Disc is only available through Wiley Authorized Partners.



Engage every individual in building more effective relationships at work.

  • In-depth self-discovery
  • Appreciation for differences in work styles
  • Strategies for successful interactions



Teach managers to successfully engage, motivate, and develop their people.

  • Discovery of personal management style
  • Insight into directing, delegating, and motivating
  • Strategies to support long-term development


Work of Leaders

Create impactful leaders through the process of Vision, Alignment, and Execution.

  • A simple, compelling model of leadership
  • Personalized insights to leverage strengths and overcome challenges
  • A clear path for improvement

Work of Leaders

Productive Conflict

Harness the power of conflict by transforming destructive behavior into productive responses.

  • Self-awareness around reactions to conflict
  • The impact different conflict responses have on others
  • Steps to change responses from destructive to productive

Productive Conflict


Provide salespeople with the skills to adapt to customers’ preferences and expectations.

  • Discovery of personal sales style
  • Recognition of customers’ differences
  • Strategies to adapt sales approaches to customer needs


Partnerships In Change

(619) 977-3308

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